Yes, since Toby blogged the videos of Verbier getting another dump TeleVerbier have been promising to open the lifts if over a thousand of us liked their Facebook post. Naturally about ten million people instantly liked, shared, Tweeted, and Social-Mediad the thing but despite promising to open if the weather was good / safe, the weather is rubbish for the weekend so no June skiing jankers for us.

By way of compensation we have had marching bands in town – well, if you’re on a Bank Holiday what else do you do?

Meanwhile there was a little reference to opening in the summer at Mont Fort if TeleNendaz were up for it. We’ll keep you posted…




So there I was lying in bed on a Sunday morning and the wife says “Lets go ski touring” and I am like “yer, whatever , it’s the 26th May, the season’s over”. But as you know once your married you are not an individual any more, your a ‘team’. So in other words, do what your told..!

Anyway, it turned out to be a fun little trip up to Ruinette from Carrefour. And the snow was rather good..!


It’s been a little while since Verbier felt springlike and just about as long since we had a blue sky powder day. But the two turned up together yesterday and its definitely something we could get used to…






I’m afraid the cloud is coming this afternoon and sadly for anybody expecting powder it might be a bit cloudy with no real reward. But cross your fingers and it might be good…


Ok, I know we should bang the drum about Verbier and how great it is. And it is great. But never forget the Four Valleys. Because they rock.

We’ve been over at Greppon Blanc and the conditions are fantastic. I know the drag lift saps a little price of your soul but the piste (and stuff at the sides) more than makes up for it.

So get your piste map put and explore.




You know what? Bruson is a great place to ski. I know you all probably know it but we took a trip over yesterday and it was amazing – OK the lifts are slow and the restaurant action isn’t exactly breathtaking but crikey the pistes are good. As Lucas would concur. So roll in the new lift next season…

Evidence the new lift is coming.

