Yes, the Autumn equinox came and went and in true Swiss style we celebrated through the medium of cheese. As we did last year. And the year before

It could be because the people of the Bagnes traditionally celebrate the return of the cows from the high pastures at this time of year. It could be because Raclette was invented here in this very valley (I firmly believe between 1972 and 1974, but the evidence on this theory is lacking). But we think it’s more likely that everyone will eat cheese and drink Fendant at the drop of  hat.

The pictures never do it justice – there’s a real buzz in the air. So we videoed it. Toby’s video I think captures it well. Mine makes it sound like the whole thing took place on a helicopter.





Yes, Verbier’s biggest building site is shooting up top and things look Luke they might be less gritty and chaotic next season. Cross your fingers…

OK, we’ve already blogged today but just two quick things:

First, I might never get used to hurling round corners up the mountain only to be met by a rather disgruntled bovine.

Secondly, did you know they’re building a new restaurant at La Chaux. Well, they are – and although it looks like a big concrete bunker right now but we think it’s a great idea…

And it was nice and sunny at times. Enjoy.


…that you see something like this when you are walking the dog…

It turns out it was a Toyota from the Verbier Festival in the stream of the Moulin..! Couple of beers mi’ thinks..! T
