So, the sun is out, it’s been out for quite a bit and looks set to stay out until Christmas. Well, Christmas-ish.

Yes, for the budding weathermen and women amongst you, you will be aware that there’s a whopping area of high pressure that’s settled in across Europe and doesn’t want to go anywhere, so Verbier is consistently getting sunny days, cold temperatures and that groundhog day feeling. Still, the fantastic sunshine does give you chance to admire our fantastic new uniforms and debate if it’s orange, tangerine, saffron or egg yolk. I’m firmly behind saffron, if you’re asking.

What does this look like? Well, epic actually. And whilst these snaps show you that it’s all dead pretty I can also confirm the pistes are skiing really well and are in great condition after the heavy snow of a couple of weeks ago. Naturally more would be nice, but we’ll have to cross our fingers and be good.



Want more? Well how about Martin ski touring up Mont Fort?

Yes our intrepid Martin decided to put DJ and David in the hurt locker and hike up to Mont Fort. They nearly made it but after realising that it’s miles they made a tactical withdrawal after getting most of the way there. Very sensible in my humble opinion. What did it look like? Well like this…

Yes, this winter has started with a bang and on only the second weekend of the year Verbier can boast lifts open down to mid-station and enough snow for people to be skiing into resort and even putting tracks down the Attelas Couloirs and Creblet.

Now, we certainly wouldn’t recommend that as we know how upsetting a big hole in the bottom of your ski is when you inevitably run out of snow and hit a few rocks. But that said, we’ve all done it…

The snow up top was really good – Sophie said it was “chalky”. Which is good enough for me – especially when you bear in mind some years we haven’t even got Lac des Vaux open. And the next step in the annual guessing game is when will they start opening the lifts all week and not just at weekends?

As well as the Lac des Vaux lift running the Tortin bubble also fired up so that people over in Nendaz and Siviez could enjoy the cracking early season snow. We also have new restaurant news – well quite a lot of that another time actually – but first up is that the Olympique self-service restaurant has had a proper make-over and is actually quite nice. Have a look at the gallery and there’s a snap in the gallery somewhere.

In fact, everything seems to be ticking along nicely…

Well, after a cheeky beer with Toby and Kent they both headed down to Le Chable. Se we thought a quick trip up to Savoleyres was in order to look at the view before the sun went down. And you know what? There’s actually rather a lot of snow up there..


Looks coudy in town but a quick look at the webcams reveals it’s clear up top.

ski blog photos of verbier

I know, it takes a while to get to Bruson. It’s not like hopping over to Savoleyres. But when you do it’s brilliant – like you’re in a tiny resort miles from anywhere and the crowds and queues you get in Verbier are very quickly forgotton.

And it’s especially useful when Verbier close because of too much snow or high winds. Which is precisely why happened yesterday and how we ended up there…

Meanwhile the snow is falling heavily again and I get the feeling tomorrow might be very interesting – loads of snow but probably a lot of wind and not a lot open.

Yes, as predicted the sun is back out and revealing the extent of the snow.

Now RHS will get all cynical and tell you it’ll never last. He’s probably right. But whether or not it stays in Verbier doesn’t matter. What matters is that there’s a decent amount at lac des Vaux… Ready for November 5th…

Verbier ski instructors snowVerbier ski instructors snowVerbier ski instructors snowVerbier ski instructors snow