Looks like it’s been snowing up top and it’s chilly as you like in town…


Yes, despite the grim rumours that snow has been banned in Europe this year, we do in fact have some. And as I type this it’s snowing again outside the window at Performance HQ.

So, you ask, what would it look like if I was skiing in Verbier yesterday? (When the sun was out and before the clouds returned).

Well, it would have looked a lot like this…


Yup, snow came back yesterday and the sun came back today. OK it’s not two feet of fresh but it’s made a massive difference to resort – both by topping up the pistes and by transforming the mood of everyone here…

And the forecasts are all suggesting more coming Thursday and next weekend. Now, we know you’re too pragatic to be easily excited by long range forecasts, so enjoy the pictures and you can be sure we’ll keep you posted if any more arrives.

(PS blame iPhone if the quality of a couple of the snaps is a bit dodgy).

Yes, your prayers have been answered – we’ve got snow and it’s looking like more than anyone was forecasting. So cross your fingers that it keeps going tomorrow… And, on that note, we’ll get a load more pictures for you and blog them in all their glory tomorrow too.

It might have been freezing on Boxing Day but the views were stunning – and despite risking frostbite I managed to get these snaps before I started to cry from the cold. The sacrifices I make for you…