Yes you can. In a mighty Subaru if you happen to drive one. So Sophie and I had a little explore before tea yesterday, and we can’t help wonder that – if they ever finish the new lift from Verbier and Le Chable to Bruson, if we’ll be doing an awful lot more of exploring over here. It would certainly be very cool if they opened it in the summer.

Anyway, it looked like this it looked like this…

So the La Chaux Express is running – minus the chairs sadly – and I decided it was fine time I went up  to sit around drinking coffee in the sunshine. At Dahu to be precise.

And as usual it was completely stunning up there, and after a chat with Danielle (the lovely lift who normally works on the magic carpet at Les Essertes) it seems that they’re putting the chairs back on the lift next weekend-ish. I only mention that because going up on chair lifts without skis is most disconcerting and therefore more fun. In my book at least.

Anyway, the guys at Dahu also said there’s the inauguration of the restaurant next Saturday from midday. I have absolutely no idea what it will involve, but I have a sneaking suspicion there will be drinks. So I’ll be there on the dot.


Well, after a cheeky beer with Toby and Kent they both headed down to Le Chable. Se we thought a quick trip up to Savoleyres was in order to look at the view before the sun went down. And you know what? There’s actually rather a lot of snow up there..


Er, yes. It’s been snowing again just above Ruinettes. So I went up and had a wander around – it’s rather nice, if chilly. And the higher you go the more snow there is, until you get to Col des Gentianes where there are a good few inches.

But whilst it’s a bit of a weird concept to get snow in the summer, it’s not that odd here. Although not exactly welcome.

Oh, and they’re clearly busy blowing things up on the track from Cabane Mont Fort to LA Chaux, as there are lots of warning signs as well as diagrams of what explosions look like (for walkers with poor imaginations I suppose…).

Did you take a cheeky shortcut through the off-piste at Lac des Vaux last winter and lose a ski? Well, Mike’s just found a very lonely 174 Stokli GS ski up there…
Ski in Verbier

Looks like it’s been snowing up top and it’s chilly as you like in town…