A little stroll in the sunshine at La Chaux


So the La Chaux Express is running – minus the chairs sadly – and I decided it was fine time I went up  to sit around drinking coffee in the sunshine. At Dahu to be precise.

And as usual it was completely stunning up there, and after a chat with Danielle (the lovely lift who normally works on the magic carpet at Les Essertes) it seems that they’re putting the chairs back on the lift next weekend-ish. I only mention that because going up on chair lifts without skis is most disconcerting and therefore more fun. In my book at least.

Anyway, the guys at Dahu also said there’s the inauguration of the restaurant next Saturday from midday. I have absolutely no idea what it will involve, but I have a sneaking suspicion there will be drinks. So I’ll be there on the dot.


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